Sunday, November 14, 2010

McGruff Takes a BITE out of PLA :)

Last week McGruff the Crime Dog came to Ella's school, Premier Learning Academy (PLA) for safety day! They have a great program with lots of different options for how parents can safeguard their children.

He visited the preschool class for high fives, hugs, and a group photo! :) The preschool kids were great with McGruff.

Here is the pre-K/Kindergarten class excited to see McGruff walk in.

Surprisingly the pre-K/Kindergarten boys were the toughest on him. Trying to punch him in the nose and accusing him of not being real and just a costume, LOL.

The teachers and the staff were very patient as they asked the boys to be nice. The kids got hugs and high fives from McGruff also.

And another group photo with the Pre-K/Kindergarten class:

Later the kids watched safety videos and some of them got fingerprinted for child cards with their photo.

Overall it was a great visit!

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